Adult Bible Fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) classes provide an environment where people can connect in fellowship and engage in a more intimate study of the Bible. Study topics change throughout the year and offer a wide range of themes. 

ABF classes meet Sunday mornings at 9am. Locations specified below.

  • Location: Upper room (above youth room)

    TEachers: Lee Strappello, Matt & Rita Biddle, Pastor Ryan & Laura Ritchey, Ryan Deitle, class members, and Pastor Brant Leidy

    Class Overview: Geared toward college aged/young career adults.

    Topic: Starting in January and continuing through the Spring we will be discussing the book:  “A Rebel’s Manifesto:  Choosing Truth, Real Justice, & Love amid the Noise of Today’s World” geared to young adults by author Sean McDowell.  We will discuss topics such as:  Standing for What is Right, Loving My Neighbor, Thinking Christianly, Culture issues (such as social media, entertainment, politics, etc.), Relationships, Sexuality, Ethics (environment, poverty, guns and violence, Immigration and A.I.) and Cultural Engagement.  We will see what the Bible teaches us about these relevant topics and discuss how we can reach others who think differently from us.

  • Location: Basement Class 001


    Class Overview:  This class is for newlywed & engaged couples.  Marriages in our country are in trouble. The statistics say that almost half of marriages end in divorce.  Sadly, there is not much difference between Christian’s and non- Christian marriages. This class is geared to help build a lasting foundation by seeing God’s design and purpose for marriage.

    Topic: To start the year, we will continue in our study of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in Marriage. In this study, we are discussing the Biblical basis and practical outworking of God-given roles for husbands and wives in marriage. 

  • Location: Fellowship Hall

    Teacher: Marcus Yeatts

    Class Overview: This class is devoted to encouraging one another as parents.  Our class name comes from 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth."  We have parents with kids from newborns to college age and our primary focus is on raising kids who walk in the truth.   

    Topic: The No Greater Joy class will be doing a study of the book of 1 Thessalonians for the winter months.  Our focus will be on living for Christ in a culture that doesn't.  We will use a video series by Ben Stuart on RightNowMedia to aid in our study.  We will discuss living our faith confidently and openly, pushing back against the culture and being examples to the world of where their hope lies."

  • Location: Multipurpose Room

    Teacher: Pastor Brian McCaLL

    Class Overview: The make-up of the class is not age specific. While some of the participants have younger and teenage children, many are “empty nesters”. This broad range of life experiences makes the Son Seekers appealing to a wide array of ages.

    Topic: In the Son Seekers class, Pastor Brian and Pastor Daryl will do a survey of the book of Isaiah for January 7 - January 21.  Pastor Brant Leidy will then lead us in a 5 week series on the Israel and Palestinian Conflict (including Hamas)  Our lessons will follow this plan:  

    January 28– The Basis for the Conflict:  Different World Views

    February 4– Islamic beliefs (vs. Biblical and Jewish beliefs)

    February 11– The Land issue and the history of Israel/Palestine

    February 18– The dynamic of Jerusalem (a divided city) and Temple Mount

    February 25– Israel’s future and prophecy

  • Location: basement class 005

    Teacher: Tom Schneider and Chris Dunn

    Class Overview: Varying ages from middle age through retirement age regularly attend the Ambassador class each Sunday. They enjoy spending time together in class as well as outside the class at regular social events. 

    Topic: Join the Ambassador Class for “The Heart of God” a study by Francis Chan.   What thoughts come to mind when you think of God? Do you wonder what he's like, what he thinks about you, or what he wants for you? The good news is that we don't have to go far to find answers. This study focuses on what God says about Himself.  God tells us all we need to know about who he is and what he’s like—about his heart—and why that matters for our lives.  Students will walk away knowing God better and loving him more.

  • Location: Room 101 (Behind Multipurpose Room)

    Teacher: Danny Horton

    Class Overview: The Berachah Class is generally comprised of men and women ages 55 and over.

    Topic: Through the winter months, the Berachah class will continue (and hopefully conclude) our ongoing series of studies in the book of Acts. As God built His church, He used people whose name we know well, like the Apostle Paul and his companion Silas. But ordinary believers also played an indispensable role in the establishment of the church.  And there are many lessons for us to learn as we examine the successes of the young church, as well as the struggles and hardships they had to work through. It’s hard not to be inspired as you look closely at their “sold-out” commitment to Jesus Christ and the sacrifices they made to advance the Kingdom.