Adult Bible Fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) classes provide an environment where people can connect in fellowship and engage in a more intimate study of the Bible. Study topics change throughout the year and offer a wide range of themes. 

ABF classes meet Sunday mornings at 9am. Locations specified below.

  • Location: Upper room (above Multipurpose room)

    TEachers: Lee Strappello, Matt & Rita Biddle, Pastor Ryan & Laura Ritchey, Pastor Brant Leidy, and class members

    Class Overview: Geared toward college aged/young career adults.


    Topic: The Young Adults ABF will begin a six week study on the book of 1 John in January. God is with us as believers as we hold to the truths of the Lord. Believers should stay true to what they believe. The focus of the study is life, truth and love. God is light and love and we are called to be light to the dark world and to love others. God’s love for us grounds us as believers. God the Father gives us life through His Son. These thoughts should greatly encourage us in our faith.  

  • Location: Fellowship Hall

    Teachers: Arlin Roth and Ryan Deitle

    Class Overview: This class is devoted to encouraging one another as parents. Parents with kids from newborns to college age are welcome to attend. Our class name comes from 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth." 


    Topic: For the next 10 weeks the No Greater Joy class will be looking at the Ten Commandments. The children’s ministry will also be covering this topic so parents can discuss this with their children throughout the study.

    In the 20th chapter of the Book of Exodus, God gives humanity a revolutionary new way to live. At the root of each command is an underlying invitation from God to a better life. The commands are intended to help us live the life that God intended for us to life, free from the consequences of sin while in a deep, personal relationship with God and others. God’s idea of the commands was not to give us strict rules and take the fun out of life. 

    This series will help you better understand how to live out each commandment as well as understand God's heart behind each commandment. The goal of this series is to gain godly insights and wisdom, and ultimately help you put God's word into practice in your life, and consequently experience God's full life for you.

  • Location: Multipurpose Room

    Teacher: Pastor Brian McCaLL

    Class Overview: The make-up of the class is not age specific. While some of the participants have younger and teenage children, many are “empty nesters”. This broad range of life experiences makes the Son Seekers appealing to a wide array of ages.

    Topic: The Son Seekers Class will engage in a 12-week study through the book of James. James, the half-brother of Jesus and leader of the church at Jerusalem, writes to remind them that they are to have undivided devotion to Jesus. His writing is highly practical for the church of his day as well as for disciples of Christ today.

  • Location: basement class 005

    Teacher: Tom Schneider and Chris Dunn

    Class Overview: Varying ages from middle age through retirement age regularly attend the Ambassador class each Sunday. They enjoy spending time together in class as well as outside the class at regular social events. 

    Topic: The Ambassador ABF will study the book of Acts utilizing a series on Right Now Media by various church leaders. Class members will be equipped to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. You will be challenged to overcome opposition in community, face persecution with boldness and reframe your workplace as your mission field.

  • Location: Room 101 (Behind Multipurpose Room)

    Teacher: Danny Horton

    Class Overview: The Berachah Class is generally comprised of men and women ages 55 and over.

    Topic: As we head into the winter months, the Berachah class will be continuing a study based on the book Handbook for Christian Living: Biblical Answers to Life’s Tough Questions by Pastor Charles Stanley. This book covers a wide variety of topics of interest to Christians, including eternal security, grief, contentment, the occult and the unpardonable sin. We will be taking a look at selected chapters – chosen by the class members – on issues that are important to them, comparing what our culture says to what the Bible teaches about these current issues.