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Church Officers
In addition to our church staff, we have several congregational leaders who volunteer their time and resources to lead MGBC.
Elder Board
Elders are responsible for the spiritual direction and oversight of the church. The qualifications of an elder are based upon 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Through prayer, fasting and an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, these men provide spiritual vision for the local church.
Church Board
This team of church members maintains oversight of church facilities and budget. Insuring that funds given to the church are used efficiently and effectively for the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ is their vital function.
Deacons & Deaconesses
Deacons and Deaconesses are the hands and feet of the gospel of Jesus. These members provide hands on care for the people of the church. They visit the elderly, sick, and those hospitalized. They promote church fellowship by their work prior to communion, baptism and MGBC friendship functions.