Child dedication

 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 127:3

Your child(ren) are a gift from God. He has entrusted you with a life to bring up in His care, discipline, and instruction.

(Eph. 6:1-4 and Prov. 22:6).

As your church family, we want to come alongside you to encourage and equip you in this stewardship. We cannot emphasize enough that parenting is a gift, but this gift does not come without its challenges. There is struggle whenever we are called to die to self and follow in the Lord’s will for us but know that in this endeavor you are not alone! We are here to provide resources, prayer, truth, and help along the way to strengthen your ministry as a parent and reinforce what you are doing at home.


Child Dedication is a time during our Sunday morning service where you, as parents, make a public commitment to raise your child(ren) in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). At the same time, the congregation commits to pray for you and be a support in your parenting.


Although Child Dedication is not commanded in Scripture, we do have the Biblical example of Hannah who recognized, her son Samuel, as a gift from the Lord (1 Sam. 1:27), accepted her responsibility in raising the child according to the Lord’s will (1 Sam. 1:21-24), and then ultimately gave her child back to the Lord for His service (1 Sam. 1:28).


Child Dedication is not a means for salvation or any type of special blessing for your child(ren). We are saved by grace through faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection (Eph. 2:8-9). Your child(ren) will have to one day turn from their sins to trust in Jesus to be saved. There is no spiritual transaction that takes place during the dedication. Instead, parents are given the opportunity to ask for accountability from their church family and receive encouragement as they raise their child(ren) according to God’s Word and direct their child(ren) to Jesus. 

We encourage you to read and pray through Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. God takes vows and commitments seriously in Scripture. Child Dedication is no exception. This is an opportunity as parents, to offer yourself as a sacrifice of worship to the Lord in submission to what He has for you. Remember, God is faithful to bring to pass what He has called you to (1 Thess. 5:24). Your church family is also here to cheer you on each step of the way!

As you prepare for the upcoming Dedication we ask you to complete the following assignments. We assure you that you will not be graded. We simply want to offer guidance and insight into what the Lord is calling you to in raising your little one(s):


1.     Read the article, “Parenting Toward Maturity”

  • Discuss practical ways with your spouse that you can intentionally carry out the 5 considerations of parenting towards spiritual maturity. 
  • What are you doing already that will encourage your child(ren) in this way? 
  • What habits do you want to establish to work towards this end? 
  • Pray with your spouse about your child(ren)’s salvation. Ask that the Lord would rescue them and use you as a means to direct them to Jesus.


2.     Read the article, “Parenting is Discipleship” 

  • Discuss/reflect on this question that was raised in the article: If your child(ren) were interviewed and asked what the greatest priority is in your home, how would you want them to answer? What do you need to do for this answer to become a reality in your home?
  • “Parents need to learn too, so the work of discipleship allows for parents to learn and teach…”. You can’t disciple your child(ren) if you are not a disciple! As a parent, what commitments must you make to continue your own pursuit of the Lord in discipleship?
  • Commit to read and memorize Deut. 6:4-7.

If you have any questions regarding the Dedication contact

Pastor Rudy at or call the Church Office at 814-793-2513.