Cell: 814-569-5836
IG: @jmatt.biddle
Synergy youth leaders
Alli brooks
Cell: 814-207-0757
Tim Campbell
Cell: 412-400-3149
art & amy costigan
Art Cell: 814-310-1048
Amy Cell: 814-285-1208
dave derr
Cell: 570-772-7586
james & laura greenawalt
scott harclerode
Cell: 814-937-0873
Cell: 814-977-7080
aleigha helsel
Cell: 814-515-5133
julie helsel
Cell: (814)515-5475
Matt hepner
Cell: 814-617-0493
gordon hockenberry
Cell: (814)312-2680
julian jackson
Cell: 717-437-7282
Cooper kulp
Cell: 814-937-8823
Ryan & Laura RItchey
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