Forge / fôrj / verb

make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it.


Refine / rəˈfīn / verb

remove impurities or unwanted elements from a substance, typically as part of an industrial process.


Forged and Refined are 5-week ministry tools to help men and women move into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through discipleship.  All aspects of “Forged” and "Refined" are intended to:

  • Shape the disciple to be more like Christ.
  • Expose the disciple to principles to strengthen interpersonal relationships.
  • Generate spiritual disciplines and consistency that move the disciple towards greater spiritual growth.

Each disciple will work in groups of 2 to 4 men or women – including a “group leader” – for accountability and encouragement. Each of these small groups will communicate weekly during the 5-week period. 


As the disciple is “forged” or “refined” they will complete daily and weekly assignments that will place them before the Holy Spirit providing an opportunity for growth in their lives. The disciple will be asked to give up or abstain from something that has become a crutch (habitual or a mindless use of time) for the 5-week period.  They will also agree to abstain from alcohol during the 5-week period.  


Forged and Refined focus on 5 aspects of a disciple’s life:

  1. Spiritual Growth – The bond with God through the work of Jesus Christ developed by the Holy Spirit as revealed by God in Scripture. We will be working through a 5-week study in the Gospel of John.
  2. Relational Growth – The connections that we form with others in our lives. This will be accomplished through prayer assignments and activities with family or friends.
  3. Physical Growth – Care expressed towards our bodies in exercise, diet and rest. This will include challenges for strength, cardiovascular, and nutrition. PLEASE NOTE: Modified assignments will be available for those unable to complete these challenges.
  4. Fasting - Abstaining from something that has become habitual or a mindless use of time. Each disciple will choose something to "give up" during the 5-week period. This can be anything, not just food.
  5. Accountability - Spending time with other believers for the purpose of building each other up, holding each other accountable to commitments, and praying for one another. Groups of 2 to 4 men or women will meet weekly (either face-to-face or remotely) to encourage and hold each other accountable to their goals.

Group Leaders

  • Each accountability group will designate one “leader”. This could the group member who has followed Christ the longest, but could also be any person designated from a group of peers.

  • Group leaders will be responsible for setting up group meetings, reporting weekly points, and encouraging other group members. Group leaders can also forward any questions their group members might have about specific assignments.

  • If you are signing up with a group, please designate your leader before registering. If you are signing up individually, we will let you know who your group leader is once new groups have been formed.

Point System

  • Every week, you will have the opportunity to earn 10 points in each of the following elements: Relational, Physical, Spiritual, Fasting, and Accountability.

  • A participant can earn a total of 50 points per week and 250 points total. Bonus points may be available in later weeks.

  • Each week, the group leader will record participants’ points at

  • Participants can earn small incentives for each point level they achieve (incentives will be determined at a later date)

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